Author Archives: Benjamin Brockhaus

Konflikte lösen – durch Sport und SpielYouth, peace and sport: Using sports and games to bridge conflicts and build peace

Workshop for youth hosted by the Basel Peace Office, Youth Future Project and Ban All Nukes Generation

Inspiring examples of the use of sports to build peace and reconciliation, and overcome conflicts (especially amongst youth) in schools, local communities and civil/armed conflicts.

  • Friday 24 May
  • 6pm-7:30pm
  • Kollegiengebäude, Room 001, University of Basel, Petersgraben
  • followed by reception and refreshments

peacesportsgames“Sport has a unique and irreplaceable capacity to unite people, going far beyond ethnic, religious or social differences. I am convinced that sport can be at the long-term service of peace” HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

This workshop will train youth leaders and activists in the use of sport, cooperative games and simulated exercises to build a culture and practice of peace.

Sports can be an important vehicle to help us reach across political divides, civil conflicts and ethnic/religious differences to reinforce our common humanity and build the conditions for a peaceful and nuclear-weapons-free world. Sports are particularly effective for youth who may grow up in an environment of hate and intolerance to those on the other side of civil conflicts – but they often share a passion for the same sports and admire the same sports stars. Thus, playing sports together – and bringing sports stars to meet them to promote peace – can have a transformative impact on them.

Cooperative games help reinforce ideas of win-win approaches to conflicts. They also are empowering for participants and egalitarian – as everyone wins together. They use fun and interactive experience to build collegiality and connection between youth of different backgrounds.

Simulated games provide opportunities where youth can explore different options in conflicts to find effective strategies and approaches. They empower youth to be pro-active in conflict situations – rather than reactive or inactive.

peace and sports...

  • Wilson Kipketer (Denmark)
    World record holder, 800 and 1000 meters (indoors), Spokesperson, Paix par le Sport (Peace and Sport)
  • Roland Pavloski (University of Basel)
    Basketball Coach, Former coach of Star Wings
  • Alyn Ware (New Zealand)
    Member, Peace and Sport New York marathon team, Right Livelihood Award 2009
  • Maren Kroeger (Geneva)
    UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace
  • Henk Van Nieuwenhove (Belgium) (to be confirmed)
    Flanders Peace Field project (the 1914 Soccer Truce)
  • Carola Szemerey (Germany)
    Youth Future Project e.V.

Workshop for youth trainers and presenters (registration required)

The workshop will be followed by an intern training-seminary for youth leaders on May 25-26:

The aim is to train youth involved in peace and disarmament work to build skills for running youth workshops, building youth actions/networks/outreach, doing presentations and in advocacy. The workshop would be for Youth Future Project, Ban All Nukes Generation, Basel Peace Office interns and other youth leaders.

The workshop will have sessions on conflict resolution, cooperation games and simulation games. It would include planning and preparation for youth trainers/speakers to provide presentations and workshops for gymnasiums, youth conferences and other youth networks/forums/events. The workshop would draw on the skills and resources of the Youth Future Project leadership team, Mark Young (founder of Rational Games) and Alyn Ware, a peace educator and peace games trainer from New Zealand – soon to be based in the Basel Peace Office.

baselpeaceoffice Download Flyer: Basel Sports and Peace seminar May 24 latest
For more information contact:, +41 788 707 219

Workshop for youth hosted by the Basel Peace Office, Youth Future Project and Ban All Nukes Generation

Inspiring examples of the use of sports to build peace and reconciliation, and overcome conflicts (especially amongst youth) in schools, local communities and civil/armed conflicts.

  • Friday 24 May
  • 6pm-7:30pm
  • Kollegiengebäude, Room 001, University of Basel, Petersgraben
  • followed by reception and refreshments

peacesportsgames“Sport has a unique and irreplaceable capacity to unite people, going far beyond ethnic, religious or social differences. I am convinced that sport can be at the long-term service of peace” HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

This workshop will train youth leaders and activists in the use of sport, cooperative games and simulated exercises to build a culture and practice of peace.

Sports can be an important vehicle to help us reach across political divides, civil conflicts and ethnic/religious differences to reinforce our common humanity and build the conditions for a peaceful and nuclear-weapons-free world. Sports are particularly effective for youth who may grow up in an environment of hate and intolerance to those on the other side of civil conflicts – but they often share a passion for the same sports and admire the same sports stars. Thus, playing sports together – and bringing sports stars to meet them to promote peace – can have a transformative impact on them.

Cooperative games help reinforce ideas of win-win approaches to conflicts. They also are empowering for participants and egalitarian – as everyone wins together. They use fun and interactive experience to build collegiality and connection between youth of different backgrounds.

Simulated games provide opportunities where youth can explore different options in conflicts to find effective strategies and approaches. They empower youth to be pro-active in conflict situations – rather than reactive or inactive.

peace and sports...

  • Wilson Kipketer (Denmark)
    World record holder, 800 and 1000 meters (indoors), Spokesperson, Paix par le Sport (Peace and Sport)
  • Roland Pavloski (University of Basel)
    Basketball Coach, Former coach of Star Wings
  • Alyn Ware (New Zealand)
    Member, Peace and Sport New York marathon team, Right Livelihood Award 2009
  • Maren Kroeger  (Geneva)
    UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace
  • Henk Van Nieuwenhove (Belgium) (to be confirmed)
    Flanders Peace Field project (the 1914 Soccer Truce)
  • Carola Szemerey (Germany)
    Youth Future Project e.V.

Workshop for youth trainers and presenters (registration required)

The workshop will be followed by an intern training-seminary for youth leaders on May 25-26:

The aim is to train youth involved in peace and disarmament work to build skills for running youth workshops, building youth actions/networks/outreach, doing presentations and in advocacy. The workshop would be for Youth Future Project, Ban All Nukes Generation, Basel Peace Office interns and other youth leaders.

The workshop will have sessions on conflict resolution, cooperation games and simulation games. It would include planning and preparation for youth trainers/speakers to provide presentations and workshops for gymnasiums, youth conferences and other youth networks/forums/events. The workshop would draw on the skills and resources of the Youth Future Project leadership team, Mark Young (founder of Rational Games) and Alyn Ware, a peace educator and peace games trainer from New Zealand – soon to be based in the Basel Peace Office.

baselpeaceoffice Download Flyer: Basel Sports and Peace seminar May 24 latest
For more information contact:, +41 788 707 219