Die ersten vier Abendveranstaltungen der Youth Future Conference 2013 sind für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich und werden an verschiedenen Orten in Bonn stattfinden. Sie leiten für die TeilnehmerInnen der Konferenz inhaltlich jeweils die Dimension der Nachhaltigkeit des nachfolgenden Konferenztages ein.
Sonntag, 1.09.2013 – Podium mit Daniel Unsöld als Moderator
„Green New Deal and Post-Growth – Directions for Future Economies“
19:30 Uhr, Universitätsclub Bonn e.V., Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn
Economies are growing, or at least are supposed to grow. But how can constant growth work in a world with limited resources? Negative consequences of economic growth are becoming more and more visible in financial and economic crises and the destruction of ecosystems. Long term thinking calls for alternative concepts. People start to rethink concepts of growth, wealth and quality of life. But what do societies need for their sustainable future? Should we call for “green growth” as the new paradigm – or work towards postgrowth or degrowth concepts?
Montag, 2.09.2013 – Podium mit Daniel Unsöld als Moderator
„Nature in the Anthropocene: From Protection to Production?“
19:30 Uhr, Altes Rathaus, Markt, 53111 Bonn
Mother Earth – that is what we call our life-nurturing planet. However, the relationship between Mother Earth and her children is highly conflictive and destructive. Environmental conservation concepts aim to re-arrange and improve this relationship, however, with limited success. Since Rio 1992 sustainable use of natural resources became a major buzzword in policy making. Anthropocentric utilitarian concepts value ecosystems according to the benefit they provide for human societies. But what “nature” do we need? To what extent is nature a social construct? And what concepts and instruments of environmental sustainability serve best for the future?

On The Crossroads by mopic
Dienstag, 3.09.2013 – Podium mit Bernward Geier als Moderator
„Empowering People – Seeds for Social Movements“
19:30 Uhr, Kunstmuseum der Stadt Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, Bonn
Social movements and people’s empowerment is back in the political and societal discourse. Controversies such as Stuttgart 21 or demonstrations at Tahir Square or Taksim Square dominate the breaking news. Beyond these events, however, millions of people worldwide engage in social movements with the aim to promote social change, economic justice and human rights, often sparked by local individual incidents. But what is needed to activate the power of one and many? What makes a social movement “successful”? And where is the line between people’s participation and empowerment?
Mittwoch, 4.09.2013 – Interaktive Theateraktion
„Acting for Sustainability“
19:30 Uhr, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, Bonn
„Die Kunst ist eine Vermittlerin des Unaussprechlichen“
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Der gemeinnützige Verein „Freiburg Scientific Theatre – Acting for Sustainability“ wurde von einer Gruppe junger und engagierter Studierender des Msc. Environmental Governance der Universität Freiburg mit internationalem und interdisziplinärem Hintergrund gegründet. Die Gruppe verwendet Theater um wissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit in einer unterhaltsamen und innovativen Weise zu vermitteln. Durch die Kombination von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen mit künstlerischer Darstellung werden die Zuschauenden emotional angestoßen und eine tiefere Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen wird ermöglicht. Es ist ihre Überzeugung, dass diese Form der Kommunikation individuelle Verhaltensveränderungen bezogen auf ökologische und soziale Themen inspirieren kann. Deshalb treten sie bei Konferenzen, Seminaren und Festivals in ganz Europa auf.
Weiterführende Informationen: www.scientific-theatre.de
und www.facebook.com/FreiburgsScientificTheatre
Donnerstag, 5.9. Open Space (interne Veranstaltung)
Open Space – der fruchtbare Boden für eure Ideen, Projekte und Visionen
Freitag, 6.9. Party (interne Veranstaltung)
Dancing ‚til sunrise
Most of the evening events will be open for the public. They will take place at different venues within Bonn such as the Uni-Club or the ballroom of the city hall. Each evening event will introduce the participants to the dimension of sustainability of the following conference day.
Sunday, 1.09.2013 – Panel with Daniel Unsöld as presenter
„Green New Deal and Post-Growth – Directions for Future Economies“
19:30h, Universitätsclub Bonn e.V., Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn
Economies are growing, or at least are supposed to grow. But how can constant growth work in a world with limited resources? Negative consequences of economic growth are becoming more and more visible in financial and economic crises and the destruction of ecosystems. Long term thinking calls for alternative concepts. People start to rethink concepts of growth, wealth and quality of life. But what do societies need for their sustainable future? Should we call for “green growth” as the new paradigm – or work towards postgrowth or degrowth concepts?
Monday, 2.09.2013 – Panel with Daniel Unsöld as presenter
„Nature in the Anthropocene: From Protection to Production?“
19:30h, Altes Rathaus, Markt, 53111 Bonn
Mother Earth – that is what we call our life-nurturing planet. However, the relationship between Mother Earth and her children is highly conflictive and destructive. Environmental conservation concepts aim to re-arrange and improve this relationship, however, with limited success. Since Rio 1992 sustainable use of natural resources became a major buzzword in policy making. Anthropocentric utilitarian concepts value ecosystems according to the benefit they provide for human societies. But what “nature” do we need? To what extent is nature a social construct? And what concepts and instruments of environmental sustainability serve best for the future?

On The Crossroads by mopic
Tuesday, 3.09.2013 – Panel with Bernward Geier as presenter
„Empowering People – Seeds for Social Movements“
19:30h, Kunstmuseum der Stadt Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, Bonn
Social movements and people’s empowerment is back in the political and societal discourse. Controversies such as Stuttgart 21 or demonstrations at Tahir Square or Taksim Square dominate the breaking news. Beyond these events, however, millions of people worldwide engage in social movements with the aim to promote social change, economic justice and human rights, often sparked by local individual incidents. But what is needed to activate the power of one and many? What makes a social movement “successful”? And where is the line between people’s participation and empowerment?
Wednesday, 4.09.2013 – Interactive theater
„Acting for Sustainability“
19:30 Uhr, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, Bonn
The „Freiburg Scientific Theatre – Acting for Sustainability“ is a small group of young and passionate alumni and students from the MSc. Environmental Governance at the University of Freiburg with an international and interdisciplinary background. They innovatively employ theatrical methods to convey complex scientific messages to diverse audiences in an entertaining and engaging way. By combining scientific knowledge with artistic expression they appeal to the emotions, thus engaging their audience at a deeper level than can be achieved through mere intellectual argumentation. They believe that this is a key element in inspiring individual behavioural change in relation to environmental and social issues and are therefore performing voluntary at conferences, workshops and festivals in Europe.
More information: www.scientific-theatre.de and www.facebook.com/FreiburgsScientificTheatre
Thursday, 5.9. Open Space (intern)
The co-working-space to develop your ideas and visions into concrete projects and concept-drafts
Friday, 6.9. Party (intern)
Conference Party